HP Inc.

What is it like to work at HP Inc.?

This will vary based on what product line you're working on. In general, you'll be doing maintenance/debugging work on previous generations of your product, doing new development on the current generation, and doing planning and R&D on the next generation. These tasks are not segregated into di...
Company Culture HP Inc. Hardware
3 answers

General interview tips at HP Inc.?

Interviews aren't standardized in any way, so it will depend completely on your particular interviewer. In general, there's an initial phone screen, followed by one or two on-campus interviews. You'll be interviewed by your prospective manager and generally one or two of your potential teammate...
Interview HP Inc. Hardware
2 answers

Did you receive a return offer after your internship at Hewlett Packard?

Yes, You can potentially turn your internship into a full time offer. Just be pro active, and try to deliver a little more than required, how you do that is up to you. You just need to show that you care about the work and the company, even if you can't deliver more than the required work, if the...
Internet & Tech Internship Return Offer
2 answers

Would you say the leadership team at HP Inc. helped you throughout your time there?

Your immediate manager is generally quite supportive. Their primary mission is to make sure you have everything you need to get your job done. The lower levels of management tend to be overworked, so actively go to them with concerns. The upper levels of management are generally not technical ...
Internet & Tech Relationship with Upper Management
2 answers

What are your daily job functions as an Operations Associate at HP?

In Hewlett Packard, I have worked as Business operations associate in Logistics team. I used to take care of all reporting stuffs of OSP (Outsourced Service partners) along with demand supply. In simple words, these OSPs were HP's vendor(like authorized Service centers who provide service for you...
Internet & Tech Day in the Life HP Inc.
1 answer

How will my role as a Corporate Affairs Associate contribute to HP's mission knowing it is mainly hardware?

Your most important purpose is to stay updated on what is happening on Capitol Hill that is pertinent to HP and communicate the important details to your coworkers who need. For example, if you know that the Republicans are shifting away from tighter security legislation on hackers, you should tr...
Politics Company Mission HP Inc.
1 answer

How did your role as a Product Marketing Engineer contribute to HP's overall mission?

You help define, price, & promote the products and services which HP wants to sell to the customers, and hopefully contribute to HP selling more of them rather than less of them. Making more customers happy with what they buy from HP, so they’ll buy more, thus makes HP happy and profitable.
Company Mission HP Inc. Hardware
1 answer

Tips for my interview as a Product Engineer at HP Inc.?

Product Engineer role is a pretty broad one and there are various areas a Product Engineer may work. During my time at HP, we had Product Engineers who were working on Mechanical related projects, Electrical related projects, system integration projects, Print quality related etc. So depending on...
Interview HP Inc. Hardware
1 answer

Would you recommend HP Inc. as a good place to start off my career?

HP is definitely one of the best places to start a career. The work-culture is fantastic and you'll have great colleagues to work with. Although you may be an entry level engineer, you are given real responsibilities with impactful work. You are given the freedom to innovate and encouraged to thi...
Career Progression HP Inc. Hardware
1 answer

What qualities would you say are important for a R&D Engineering Intern at HP Inc.?

During my internship at HP, the skills that helped me the most were the ones I learned by doing research in experimental physics labs at Stanford. Generally, initiative and being a self-starter were my biggest assets. Throughout my whole internship, I rarely needed help from my mentor. I just ...
Internship Skillset HP Inc.
1 answer

Curious to learn what led you to accept your offer at HP Inc.?

HP is a large and relatively prestigious company, meaning they have a well-established internship program with a lot of available resources. It was an opportunity to gain a lot of new experiences and learn a ton, especially since it was out of state and I would be completely on my own. Also the h...
Internet & Tech HP Inc. Career Motivation
1 answer

What were the highs and lows of working at HP Inc.?

I enjoyed my time as a systems software engineer because it had numerous interesting challenges to solve and my colleagues were fantastic. I had a different educational background and skillset from most of my team, and I found it fun to attack problems from a different viewpoint. My least favorit...
Software Engineering Pros and Cons HP Inc.
1 answer

Will I get enough ownership over my project as an intern at HP?

The HP internship program focuses heavily on a single project for each intern. The project varies by what is needed for each team, but is certainly up to the intern to take ownership of and complete. Each intern is assigned a mentor. The mentor helps with project scope, checks in regularly, and h...
Internet & Tech Internship Ownership
1 answer

What are some quick points on what it takes to succeed as a customer support specialist?

You would need to not only have technical expertise on the products but also a complete understanding of the support process. Half of the onsite support done for HP products is done by third parties. Large customers like Boeing do their own support. You would also need project management expertis...
Skillset HP Inc. Customer Service
1 answer

Is there a training program for the Brand Ambassador role at HP Inc., and if so, what does it look like?

Training is only about 1-2 days, as it focuses mainly on your core duties and the information on 1 type of device you’ll be demonstrating. Ongoing training will be online modules you do on your phone about other HP devices in case customers in store have questions about another device you may not...
Internet & Tech Training HP Inc. Customer Service
1 answer