HP Inc.

3D Printing Research and Development Intern

May - August 2018 • Corvallis, OR

What I liked

team, company, hands on experience

What I wish was different


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Ink Development Intern

June - September 2018 • Corvallis, OR

What I liked

HP is full of very intelligent and very helpful people to work with.

What I wish was different

I wish I could know sooner if I have an offer to come back next summer or not.


Don’t be afraid to use the resources around you at work. People are there to help.
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Integration Engineering Intern

June - September 2017 • Corvallis, OR

What I liked

The treat you like an engineer immediately. They understand that you're new to the industry environment so they love teaching you, but they really do value your opinions and perspectives on real engineering problems.

What I wish was different

I wish they gave me a better overall arching scope of what the end goal of my internship was. A big picture understanding would have been helpful in prioritizing my daily work.


Learn as much as you can. HP gives great opportunities to learn new company softwares or take different intern classes. Taking the classes not only make you more valuable to them, but you walk out of the internship with additional skills.
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Digital Multimedia Developer Intern

July - December 2017 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

The people at HP were really helpful and knowledgeable. They are always willing to help in any way they can and will always give great work and life advice.

What I wish was different

I had wished that my experience was more structured like how others interns' were. I had to basically find my own project and create my own structure.


Use what you know and what you're good and use it to help the company in any way possible.
1 One person found this helpful

Engineering Intern

June - August 2018 • Palo Alto, CA

What I liked

The area, the type of works, co-workers

What I wish was different

More intern events


Try to go out of state for internship. Because it completely changed my mind and goals
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