Under Armour

Sales Associate

April 2018 • Orlando, FL

What I liked

Interacting with customers, flexible schedule.

What I wish was different

Better pay, more respect for employees by management and corporate, more break time.


I would not recommend people working at Under Armour unless they are willing to do more work than what they are paid for. Although the good thing about working for UA as a student is having a flexible schedule.
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FP&A Intern

May - August 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I loved the culture of the company. The energy was contagious

What I wish was different

I wish I knew ahead of time what I would be working on so I could prepare.


Don't be afraid to ask for help and use all of your resources.
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May 2018 • Aurora, OH

What I liked

The people i worked with were very helpful/educational and extremely nice. I was able to learn a lot in sales.

What I wish was different

I wish i would've made a little more for the hours i worked


Confidence is a key factor. The ability to establish a conversation or connection with a customer can lead to an essy sale.
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May 2018 • Lehi, UT

What I liked

The team I work with is awesome.

What I wish was different


Retail is a hard job, but if you work with the right people it is so fun
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Supply Chain Rookie

May - August 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

What I wish was different


Love the brand that you work for! I had such an awesome summer sharing my passion for both Under Armour and Supply Chain with not only the teammates that I worked with but also the rest of the interns that were in the program. I was excited to go to work every day and it's an awesome feeling! That's something you can convey from the very start with your application and interviews - I think this is applicable for any CPG/retail company.
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Sales Associate

March 2016 - August 2017 • Myrtle Beach, SC

What I liked

Everyone was very friendly and I liked working with unloading the shipment.

What I wish was different

I wish the company would’ve had a better budget on payroll so that there could’ve been more help.


Be very nice to customers.
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Retail Management Rookie Intern

May - August 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

The employee discount The people I worked with

What I wish was different

The job experience The program organization


Apply for this only if you have specific interest in working retail. Leadership is secondary, the program is all about retail.
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Materials Sourcing Intern

May - August 2017 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

Great work environment and coworkers.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to experience more parts of the company.


Talk to as many employees as you can to grow your network.
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Sales and Marketing

May - August 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I loved the whole overall experience. It was more than just an internship. We got to interact with top executives and bond as an intern class with various sponsored activities. Also we learned more than just what we needed for our job because we learned how the company works. The interns felt like actual employees.

What I wish was different

I wish the recruiting process was better. They do not give return offers for full time or interns. You have to reapply or wait until a position becomes available. And you don't find out you get the internship until early spring which is pretty late compared to a lot of other companies.


Meet as many people as you can and take advantage of all the opportunities that UA offers to all the interns.
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Retail Operations Intern

May - August 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I loved the intern experience at Under Armour. I enjoyed everything from living in the apartments, to eating at a crab feast on Baltimore's harbor.

What I wish was different

I wish that everyone had gotten to Under Armour at the same time and there weren't different intern groups.


The best advice I can give about being an intern at Under Armour is just to take everything in because the summer goes by fast.
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Summer League Rookie

June - August 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

Amazing experience to dive deep into a brand and gain experience in retail.

What I wish was different



Get the most out of your time here by scheduling meet and greets with leaders across the company.
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Supply Chain Intern

May - August 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

Amazing culture. Some of the most driven people who embody the friendly team-first attitude that you see in sports teams. The Rookie Program takes care of everything you need to worry about in Baltimore (as an out-of-town intern) and it felt like a Summer Camp outside of work. At work, the projects you're assigned actually make a big impact on the business and everyone from managers to directors to C-Suite executives take time to learn about your work and they genuinely appreciate it. Overall incredible experience!

What I wish was different

I wish that Under Armour gave return offers at the end of the summer, but unfortunately, they do not, at least for undergraduates. You have to wait until you go back to school and apply for full time positions/go through the recruiting process all over again. Seems like a missed opportunity.


Choose fit or anything else. I chose UA over other higher-paying offers because it seemed like the right environmental fit for me, and it was the best decision I made.
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Sports Marketing Intern

June - August 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I really enjoyed being a part of the fast-paced and thriving work culture at Under Armour. The people are amazing and the program as a whole provides every experience an intern would want to have. We were placed on a team that matched our experience and interests while also being given a manager and mentor to help guide and provide assistance on our summer project during our 12 week period. There were opportunities to hear from top management at multiple speaker engagements as well as an intern sports league that allowed us to connect with each other outside of work. Overall, a great place to work and I would definitely go back.

What I wish was different

The recruiting process seems to drag out longer than other companies (Feb-March), but stick with it if you are interested in an internship at UA.


Even if you don't get an offer, the interview experience is very good practice for future employees so I would apply anyway. Don't expect things to be handed to you, be eager to work and ask for more ways to help out in any way possible!
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Team Sports Sales Intern

May - August 2018 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I loved my time with Under Armour. This internship experience is one of a kind! The thing that makes this internship different is the overall experience. We had a rookie intramural sports league every week, rookie speaker series with the top executives in different departments, a give back day, we went to an orioles game, and countless other fun days in and out of the office. I was also able to build close relationships with the other interns since we all lived in the same apartment building. Under Armour does a great job proving us a great experience not only during work, but after work as well.

What I wish was different

I think the recruiting process is a little slow for Under Armour. But I know they have thousands of applicants and only 90ish spots. I got my offer in early February and I know other interns who didn't get theirs until March. A lot of other internships offer in the fall but I really recommend that people should still apply to UA. I also wish I knew a little more about what I would being doing before I got to Baltimore. I had some information from the interview but that was all I honestly knew about it. Maybe others had it differently but I didn't know exactly what I would be doing until I got there.


One piece of advice that I have is to try to make the most of your experience. This means to meet as many people as you can (UA teammates love meeting Rookies!) and try to build your network. I met so many people that were very helpful to me and was able to narrow down what I want to do post-grad. Meet every person you can and try to go to every meeting or event that they schedule for you. Make the most out of your summer.
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